• hello, beautiful human...

    immerse yourself in your passions

    & allow them to be your guide.


    being who you are &

    doing what you love is magnetic.


    it is this presence that you crave.

    there is no equivalent.


    so tell me...


    what is calling to you?

    what is asking you

    to come closer?


    pursue that.




  • my art

    [ art created with the essence of you woven in. ]

    broken image


    visit my art gallery

    what makes a great work of art
    is not what you see,
    but what you feel inside.


    { click the photo above to visit my gallery }


    broken image

    Soul Vision Cards

    [ intuitive art created with the essence of you + your desires woven in. ]


    a touchstone. a tailsman. an anchor.


    guiding you back to what you want for your life.


    a symbol on one side + an image on the other that are tokens of your desires.


    both are a message to your creative source within.


    the conscious mind does not instantly recognie what it is seeing. this allows you to bypass the limits of your rational mind


    allowing a message of change, action and transformation to implant into your subconscious.


    this is a process of energetic co-creative art.


    { order here } 


    when you're ready to bring desire into form.



    broken image

    commissioned paintings

    art that is created intuitively

    as an external expression

    of the magic that is you


    "when the soul wants

    to experience something

    she throws out an image

    in front of her

    & then steps into it"

    ~ meister eckhart


    exchange rate vary

    by size & material.


    { send an email below to inquire }




  • "you were born with potential.

    you were born

    with ideals & dreams.

    you were born with greatness.

    you were born with wings."




    doing what i love...creating.

    my oracle deck
    my art word
    my poetry
    my tarot deck
  • blogs

    broken image

    sandra marie - artist

    [ musing + creativity ]

    in this space i write about

    bringing my paintings to life,

    projects i am working on,

    & share my poetry.

    broken image


    [ my photo diary ]

    in this space i share

    little snippets of my life in photos.

    & things i find beauty in.

    with quotes i love

    + a dash of introspection.

  • i would love to hear from you...

    send me a note:


    snippets of my life...